Catch the Science Bug
Episode Files
Scibug Investigators
Meet Our Scientists
Reading Bug
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Catch the Science Bug Traveling Programs, has been teaching science programs to students in New England for seven years. Four awards have been received for this work. The non-profit foundation was created to produce Catch the Science Bug television series enabling us to reach a larger audience and be a valuable resource for children, parents, and educators.

The intent of the television series is to get children, especially girls and minorities, excited about science, give an understanding of the variety of scientists and their work, and to spark the self-revelation that through an understanding of science, they too could make valuable contributions to society whether it be discovering a cure for cancer or installing a low-flow shower head.

For Parents & Teachers

The educational goals of Catch the Science Bug are to increase science literacy and raise environmental consciousness by adhering to national standards and guidelines for content and use different teaching methods to engage all types of learners, and encourage life-long learning by featuring scientists who model this behavior. Click on the links below to see how the programming aligns to the National Science Standards for grades K-4 and the Environmental Education Standards from the North American Association for Environmental Education.
